Church committee


The Committee consists of 9 members . The Committee members are elected by the General Body. The committee is in place to set up policies and guidelines to protect our Church family. If any conflict of ideas occur, the Church constitution can be used to deal with the incident in a responsible manner.


Committee members Contact no.
Rev. Abraham G. Sathyanathan( Chairman) 9961572105
Mrs. Jigy Bency( Hon. Secretary) 9029530437
Mrs. Mariakutty Cherian( Joint Secretary) 9987408864
Mr. Kurien Varughese( Hon. Treasurer) 9082548806
Mr. Vijay Cherian( Joint Treasurer) 9819955252
Mr. Shaji Varghese( Member) 8169231361
Mr. K. S. Mathew( Member) 9594727292
Mrs. Susan Baby Mulamoottil( Member) 9765628833
Mr. David Jacob K.( Member) 9820307703
Mrs. Mini David( WF Ex-officio Member) 9820373353
Miss. Akansha Joji( Youth Ex-officio Member) 9870275082
Miss. Edna Silas( SS Ex-officio Member) 9769139772